Utah 2023: Work, Play & Wrapping Up

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Day 19 (Tuesday, October 24, 2023)

I’m back at work today … but fortunately, my work-from-home extends to my home-on-wheels, given the Starlink internet connection!

So while we’re stuck in the campsite (can’t get too far away from the router to avoid losing signal), we’re still on the road – leaving options for further trip exploration right outside the (trailer) door.

Day 20 (Wednesday, October 25, 2023)

Day 2 of working (it’s going to be a short 3-day week, but still) …

After the work day is over – Kirk has started to pack up while I’m in meetings all afternoon – we leave Great Basin NP and head north, to the next destination for the night: Ely, NV.

Our gas tank regulator is broken as Kirk found out today, but even the various stores here in town don’t have a replacement part, so we’ll be staying chill the next couple of days … but hey, it’s an adventure – right?!

Good thing we’re parking at the KOA campground in Ely, where FHU means we can run the fridge without gas and can still get a hot shower!

Day 21 (Thursday, October 26, 2023)

Last day of work before a long weekend starts …

We’ve been getting itchy to get home, back to the cats & into a more spacey home, so we’re off to a couple more hours of driving tonight, to cut down on the rest of the trip home, which will be tackled all tomorrow, Friday!

Tonopah, NV is in the middle of nowhere, along Hwy 6 across Nevada, and offers a very nice Rest Area just outside of town, where we stop for the night. It gets cold out here … 33 degrees in the trailer by 7am, vs. 32 degrees outside! 😉

Day 22 (Tuesday, October 24, 2023)

Having made better progress than expected, we have “only” 7 hours left for our drive home today – crossing the remainder of Nevada, we enter California near Benton, CA as we close our 3-week loop to return to Hwy 120 to take us home.

A quick late breakfast stop at Nicely’s in Lee Vining, CA and off we go over the Tioga Pass (9,945 ft) and through Yosemite National Park once again, as we head west. Nothing says Welcome Back to Civilization as watching the Friday afternoon traffic build up on I-205 in Tracey, CA while we climb one last hill (Altamont Pass at 1,009 ft) before descending into Livermore and park at home!

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