“The Key” to Sightseeing

posted in: Australia 2009 4
Adam, Shan, Luke, Zach, Andrea & Kirk.

Staying at the Harbour Marriott at Circular Quay has one “key” advantage: step outside, and the sightseeing immediately begins!

After our first lunch in Sydney’s Financial District, we spent Friday afternoon exploring “The Quay” (pronounced “kee”): strolling around the harbour, taking in views of the famous Sydney Harbour Bridge, the even more famous Opera House, followed up with a walk through the Royal Botanical Gardens.

“Bats! Bats, everywhere!”, was soon to be heard out of the Tour Guide’s mouth (that would be me), while the Tour Photographer (that would be Kirk) keeps clicking away in the bushes, trying to get the perfect shot of a – highly likely very poisonous – spider in its web. Well, turns out Batman does not reside in Sydney after all, but his close cousins, the “Flying Foxes” do. Just after breeding season, there are approximately 8-10,000 of these amazing little flying monsters hanging in the trees – some sleeping, some bickering about the latest gossip – or flying around, overhead.

How can you follow up that surprise? Well, by meeting up with an old (not literally) friend – Adam (the Tour Guide), who I had first met in 1995 on a trip through Western Canada. I later got to attend his wedding right here in Sydney in 2000 and finally got to see again Friday night! Time flies when you’re having fun. Between a coastal walk along Bondi Beach, dinner with his wife Shan and their 2 boys, Zach and Luke, the evening went by way to fast for Kirk and I. But eventually, you have to give in to the effects of time travel (umhh … jet lag) and by 11pm we were back at the hotel and out!

Today is Day 2 in Sydney, and we are about to take off for the next portion of sightseeing. Having been here before, I will take the lead on getting us through the city on foot, without missing any of the highlights! It will be hot today, but we are ready (only a breakfast in the lounge between us and the sights!) …

More to follow … stay tuned!

4 Responses

  1. Adam
    | Reply

    back a the hotel at 11pm?! We only left you at 10pm! You were supposed to go raving until at least 2am! Great to catch up and see/meet you guys too. Had a great time.

    Sabine…..wish you were here!

  2. Adam
    | Reply

    …and i can’t believe how nicely the boys are smiling. I’ve never been able to get that result – they must have liked you guys!

  3. Sabine
    | Reply

    Aah, I so wish I was there! :'(

  4. Stephanie
    | Reply

    Are the bats freaking you out? I know you’re not a fan of spiders, so wasn’t sure how you’d take the bats. Any one calling you Sheila yet?

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