Day 12: Due South…

posted in: Canada 2011 0

Well, this is it, our last day in Canada.  We awoke again without the assistance of our alarm clocks… only to realize that if we didn’t use alarm clocks, we’ve be late for work every day.  Well, Andrea would.  Myself on the other hand, alarm clocks don’t seem to help me make it to work on time :-).

After a morning shower, we hit Lake Minnewanka just a few minutes outside of town.  It’s the large lake near Bannf, but man made which kind of lessened the appeal. We didn’t know that till we got there though.  But what probably killed the excitement was the cold weather and the fact that the restaurant was closed at the lake.  We were a bit disappointed and headed back to town for food and souvenirs.

After visiting a half dozen shops, we collected our bounty of souvenirs and found a place to eat.  Squish Sandwich Seller (aka Celler, get it?) was our luck of the draw.  We split a meaty sandwich and boy was it good.  Like really good.  Like the meat was so tender is was, well, squishey!  Yeah, I know, a cheesy description but true.  Good food in Banff x2.

So we gas the truck up, get some ice to keep the cooler (aka beer) cold, and hit the road.  We head an hour and a half to Calgary, turn right, and head to the the US of A.

Errrrrh.  That’s a skiding to a break sound for those not into sound effect jargon.  We hit traffic in Calgary.  Just 30 minutes earlier on the radio we hear of a tanker fire.  We shurgged not knowing where it was or what we could do… only to realize we were heading right for it.

Look at the photos, that truck BURNED.  Good thing it was the cab and not the trailer.  Bravo Calgary fire people!

Flat and farmland.  That’s all there was to the border.  Knowing now that taking photos of the customs both is -verboten!- we took one a bit further back this time.  With nothing to declare (not mentioning the last two Canadian beers in the cooler), we were back in the US.  Montana to be exact with a destination of the KOA campground in St Mary, MT.  Here we feast, do laundry and call it a night.  It’s getting cold… dark… and quiet.  Should make for a cozy good nights sleep. 🙂

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