Day 9: Journey to Jasper

posted in: Canada 2011 0

Oh what sleep one can get when it’s dead quiet outside! Yawn … we needed the rest! Lots of driving yesterday, more to follow today, as we pack up and get back on the road after a big breakfast.

More windy roads are ahead of us as we make our way to Cache Creek and towards Kamloops. No stopping here at the historic Court House this time, but change of driver! It’s been (more than) a week already and I finally get to sit behind the steering wheel as well! So far, every mile/kilometer driven was by Kirk! But the next 300+ km is a straight shot up Hwy 5, as we make our way towards Jasper.

Lunch stop is at a rest area just outside Avola, along the Thompson River. Then it’s back to more driving – until we get to the turnoff to Hwy 16 and Mt. Robson. Here we stop for some more photos, and then we’re off once more … heading towards the Alberta border, Jasper National Park, the time zone line and the Continental Divide!

Just before 7pm we reach downtown Jasper, a bustling tourist town, packed with Cruise Canada and other RVs! It’s a Saturday night in the National Park! I quickly check with the ranger at the Visitor info, confirming the bad news: no hook up sites available for tonight. Not even any sites at a campground with showers. The only sites left are unserviced ones at the overflow grounds of the Snarling River Campground, just north of Jasper. Ufff. But we’ll take it. Gotta stay somewhere, eh!?

After getting the trailer set up, Kirk and I head back into town for some dinner … we need some civilization right now! And then it’s back to the woods, our trailer and to bed!

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