Relaxing in Auckland [Day 2]

posted in: New Zealand 2014 2

Our honeymoon mottoJet lag or not, we were up early today, as I had to stop by the U.S. Consulate here in town to get my passport visa stamp renewed.
After that we decided to do some prep work for our campervan set up and went shopping: pillows, sheets and towels will be provided, but there’s nothing like having your own (Kirk is a bit picky after our experience in Australia … see that post from 4 1/2 years ago for more).

Strolling the Central Business District (aka CBD) with bags in hand gets tiring, so it was time for lunch at Velvet Burger before souvenir shopping for goodies. After that a nap sounded good. We are on vacation after all!

Pouring over our touring map for the North Island, we started planning the next few days. Tomorrow morning we’ll start our campervan road trip throughout NZ. With my highlighted “must-see’s” already noted on the map, it was easy to figure out our route.

Finally it was time for dinner snacks & drinks at Vulture Lane bar before one last look at Sky Tower.

2 Responses

  1. Sabine
    | Reply

    Is Rotorua with its smelly geothermal pits (anyone for rotting eggs smell?) on your itinerary? If not it should be!!
    I’ve been there, it’s quite something!

    • Kirk
      | Reply

      We just got to Taupo which has them also. I thought the smell was Andrea, but after I got the evil-eye from her, I realized I thought wrong. 🙂

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