8 Days, 23 Hours and 37 Minutes…

posted in: Australia 2009 3
I hope I get this right… I mean left!

8 days, 23 hours and 37 minutes to what?  Well, Andrea and I are about to take our first big vacation together.  We’ve taken trips together; San Diego, Las Vegas, my Mom’s place for dinner.  Hey, they’re all baby steps.  But this one is big.  I mean BIG big!  14.5 hours on an airplane stuck next to her on the way there.  2 weeks stuck together during our trip.  13.5 hours again on a plane of her stuck next to me on the way back.  Yep, this big step will surely test the relationship.  Yikes!

Where is this test taking us?  Well, Australia of course.  Oz.  The land down under.  Where toilets flow the opposite direction (not really true).  We’re going to a place that I’ve been dreaming about for quite some time. Andrea’s been there before, but it didn’t take any arm pulling to convince her to go.  Her eyes widened listening to me describe my next dream destination as much as my eyes widened telling her about it.  Perfect!

So what about this website?  Well, she always wanted “www.andithetourguide.com.”  Andrea=Andi… Get it? 😉  Being the geeky guy I am, I thought this would be a great opportunity to impress her with my geeky skills (Fellow geeks, this is a rare occurrence.  Take advantage anytime these opportunities arise!)  So I quickly built her this website with the goal of documenting our first vacation together. Before you get any reality show ideas… we’re the editors.  No crazy Amazing Race drama here.

This is the beginning.  Post #1 of sharing our trip to Australia with our friends, family, and whomever stumbles upon our crazy endeavor.  You’ll be hearing more before we fly out in 8 days, 23 hours and 37 minutes.

Till then…


3 Responses

  1. Sabine
    | Reply

    Kirk – you’re lucky it’s Andrea you’re flying with and not me! It’d be 15 hours of “Fasten your seatbelt! Watch the safety video! Be nice to the crew!” 😀

    • Kirk
      | Reply

      Sabine, I’m afraid. Verrrrry afraid 😉

  2. Tina
    | Reply

    Ich finde die Idee mit dem Übersetzungsprogramm genial, endlich kann ich alles so schreiben wie es mir einfällt ohne zu überlegen, wie es wohl auf Englisch heisst.
    Übrigens, was heisst es gibt besser dokumentierte Wudi-camps?? Kann ich was dafür wenn das Tier nur pennt????

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