3x 13 miles practice = 39 miles … with photos!

posted in: Avon Walk 0
Practicing for Team “Hope For Hooters” are Jundy, Teri and Andrea

With only 49 days left ’til the walk, it was about time to get serious. Serious with the walk training! And with donations having rushed in over the last few days (a BIG thank you to all you contributors!), I was ” pumped” this morning, ready for a 13-mile training walk in the city.

Ok, getting up just after 5 (!) am to be at the Presidio by 8 am on a Saturday morning is not really my thing. But if that’s what it takes to get me to practice long-distance walking, then I will do it. Today, I got support in my quest from Teri, practicing for the big 3-9 just like me, and Judy, who had come out to walk with us and show her enthusiasm!

After signing in we were ready to walk – and off we went. The “map” really was a 2-page text description of the walk route. Kind of confusing at first (especially without a real map at hand), but when in doubt: just look for some pink T-shirts ahead of you!

The preview route took us towards the city, between the waterfront and Lombard Street, past the Exploratorium, and then up the hill (stairs) just 1 north of Lombard. Down towards Fishermen’s Wharf , turning around at the cable car station and back past Ghiradelli Square. On towards the Marina, Fort Mason and Crissy Field, to climb the Golden Gate Bridge. Over and back, and return to the start. A nice 12-13 mile walk.

In about 5 or 5 1/2 hours, walking somewhat slowly and snacking along the way. Picked up a couple of blisters that were looking for a home. Teri decided to go with just one and Judy didn’t want any. Our feet are somewhat sore (depending on the shoes chosen), but overall we’re all doing fine (ready for food, shower and a nap though)!

A fun day in the sun! Check out the photos below …

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