We get a slow start today, as it is hot – and humid – in Venice, and we’re exhausted before even getting started! But once we get going, seeing as much of Venice as possible is the goal! (on foot).
We grab Krapfen and Cannoli for breakfast, which we enjoy on one of the many bridges, before starting our self-chosen walking tour from S. Maria Formosa. We head through the neighborhood of the apartment, towards the Rialto bridge – which is hidden under heavy scaffolding. It’s like a mini-Ponte Vecchio, but crossing the Canale Grande instead. From there we explore the neighborhoods on the other side, many more tiny, small, short, long, zig-zag pathways (“roads”), crossing countless bridges, but staying close to the Canale at all times not to get lost. (I have a detailed map, but still – it’s tricky!).
After a light lunch on the Campo S. Barnaba we take our lunch break and relax. Once we head on, our next destination is the Accademia, where we have another bridge to cross back over the Canale Grande. We take a break at the S. Moise church before entering the Piazza S. Marco. Fewer pigeons – and fewer tourists – on the square, mostly due to the heat from the sun shining directly down on it. It’s time to get hydrated again and we sit down at one of the cafés on the piazza. The prices certainly include the location, view, music and service upcharge! But we wouldn’t want to miss it! Once again refreshed, we head up the Campanile (it’s for cheaters … it has an elevator!) for a spectacular 360 degree view of the city!
We later stroll along the waterfront, before heading back into our neighborhood for dinner, and – while it’s still hot outside – our walking shoes are ready to call it a day, so we return to the flat to (hopefully) cool off a bit!
Buona Notte Venezia!
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