Where the Heart Beats in Vienna [Day 14]

posted in: Europe 2015 0
Hofburg Palais, Wein

It’s time to check out Vienna today!

The skies have cleared up and by late morning we are on our way to the Hoehenstrasse and Kahlenberg, from a great view and outlook over Vienna. I believe Pat is impressed already, and we’re not even close to the historical center yet …

After dissecting the sights in view, we head down the hill again (this time towards Vienna) and are ready to explore more.

Kirk & I get off at the Marriott Hotel, to meet up with a couple of former colleagues (Alex and Gabi) and have a great time catching up.

By mid-afternoon, Kirk and I stroll through the Innere Stadt (inner city) to reconnect with my parents who are touring the area with Pat. We catch up at the Hofburg (former royal winter palace) and continue on together through the Volksgarten (park), stop at the Café Central when it’s starting to rain and check out the Graben & Kaertnerstrasse pedestrian / shopping areas in search of souvenirs after the sun is back out.

We take the subway (U-Bahn) back to the western-most stop where the car is parked and drive home. But instead of going all the way, we stop at the Hochram Alpe for a delicious Austrian dinner. Stuffed and happy we make it home late this evening . More sightseeing Vienna awaits tomorrow!

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