With a large part of our 1st leg of the trip already covered, it’s a “short” drive to Mojave, where we stop and explore the airport … the SpacePort! After all, it’s the Gateway to Space, home of the first commercial flight to outer space.
Then we’re headed south for about a half hour, where the town of Lancaster is proud sponsor of the Musical Highway. Never heard of it? Never seen the Honda commercial with the car driving down the road while the road plays the Wilhelm Tell Overture?! Well, we did see the commercial, checked out the place and drove it 4 times … although it works best with a sedan car (instead of a truck with extra-large tires, towing a trailer), but it did work! And we’ve got the video to prove it! (Yes, I did get carried away a bit, but it IS fun!)
Just south of here is the Palmdale, where the Space Shuttles were actually built for NASA way back when. All about space today …
And then we’re crossing further east, to Joshua Tree, a town just north of the Joshua Tree National Park, which will be our destination for tomorrow.
For tonight, we’re camping at the Joshua Tree Lake RV & Campground, just 4 miles north of town, a great place to see … the stars! (According to the website, there’s hardly a night where you can’t see shooting stars from here …)
And relax …
Verena Jandak
Sehr sehr sehr genial….wish I was there! Genießts es, freu mich auf mehr Fotos und Berichte 🙂