Finally … Pinecrest!

posted in: Weekend Travel 0
Andrea & Kirk on their bikes

Approximately 5 years after a day trip up to Pinecrest with Kristina and Stephanie, when we marked the “good sites” vs. the bad sites” at the Pinecrest Campground, and following many years of trying to get a reservation for a summer weekend up here (by Kristina), she was finally successful in booking 2 great sites for the weekend following Labor Day 2010. And so, the Cougar & the Fun Finder got picked up and taken out for a ride up the Sierra hills, to enjoy a perfect weekend here!

No hook ups is not a problem when you’re planning ahead, or only a minor inconvenience when you forget. And with the “dry” runs experienced so far, 2 nights at this elevation are not a problem to master. Kristina, Clae & Kody are being joined by Marnie, Marvin & Ryan in their trailer, and Kirk and I have set up camp on the site next to them Friday evening.

After sleeping in on Saturday & a long breakfast, the whole groups gets on their way to a hike around the lake. Starting clockwise, all 8 of us make it to the dam, before it is time to unpack the picnic lunch. From here, only the 3 Rosellinis, Kirk and I continue on to complete the lake loop. The Andersons return the way we came. The excursion to Chloe’s Bath will have to wait for our next trip up here, but the walk just around the edge of the lake is nice enough, providing great views of the lake and the surrounding area.

A little bike tour later is followed by dinner – and then a movie under the stars. While the nights do get really chilly up here, the next morning returns the sunshine and warmth or a mountain late summer day. Not much is on the agenda other than packing up and heading out. But it was a great weekend … certainly worth repeating!

Check out the photo gallery below for some great shots!

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